There IS Something You Can Do About the State of the World

We are at a crossroads in our country and on our planet. It can feel as if people are becoming more and more polarized. Democrat vs. Republican. Black lives vs. Police. The US against the rest of the world.

Many people are angry and fearful about the state of affairs; about our options; about the systems we’ve created that are no longer serving us; about the political shenanigans, the lack of respect and civility, all the senseless violence.

We worry about the future for ourselves and our children, how we will make enough money to survive, what will happen if the “other side” comes into power, and so many other things.

All of these emotions and thoughts are understandable.

But if we spend too much time with these emotions and thoughts, we contribute to the negative energy in the world. In a sense, worry is planning for that which we do not want.

There is another way

There are specific things you can start doing today to BE THE PEACE you want to see in the world.

Throughout history, the greatest and most effective revolutionaries have been peacemakers and advocates of nonviolence.

  • Martin Luther King
  • Ghandi
  • Dalai Lama
  • Desmond Tutu
  • Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Nelson Mandela

It is time for each one of us to become an ambassador of peace. This starts from within. We can honor and process whatever it is we are feeling, and then move into peace. Only from that space can we truly transform the world around us.


It is what stopped a line of tanks in Tiananmen Square.
It is what brought about power to the powerless and a more inclusive government in Burma (thank you Aung San Suu Kyi).

It is what saved a stand of 1500-year-old redwoods from loggers (thank you Julia Butterfly Hill).
It is what ignited the civil rights movement and undid segregation in the US (thank you Rosa Parks).
It is what forced a multi-billion dollar chemical corporation to stop ignoring environmental laws and spewing carcinogenic toxins into the gulf coast (thank you Diane Wilson).
It is what saved hundreds of pristine acres of land in Utah (adjacent to national treasures like Canyonlands National Park) from oil and gas drilling (thank you Tim DeChristopher).

We can transform and channel our strong feelings into something more skillful and effective. We can do it together. And we need to start now.

We can no longer wait for others to do it for us. This revolution needs to happen from the ground up.

We are not helpless. We are powerful beyond measure.

Let us start to tap into the power of peace and watch it spread and transform the landscape. Can you imagine it? I can, because I have seen it happen over and over again in my own life and to others when I teach this in person.

It is stunning to witness!

The outer world is a reflection of our collective inner world. Let us cultivate and promote peace, beauty, gratitude, and compassionate understanding, even when we disagree with the views of another.

Magical things start to happen when we spend time in this place.

Let’s do this together

There is actually evidence (including from Princeton University) that group meditation can change the course of events.

When 4000 meditators came together in Washington DC to test this theory, violent crime dropped by 23%. This was considered hugely statistically significant, as no decreases in crime were noted in the previous five years.

Please join the Mindfulness + Magic community to receive regular updates and notices of when we are all hanging out via webinar to Be The Peace.

See you soon,







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