The day of remembrance of the honorable Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. seems like a good time to deeply consider what it means to be an advocate for peace and justice, and how mindfulness and activism intersect. Dr. King was a friend and collaborator of one of my...
The year was 1992, less than a year after the fall of the Soviet Union. I was a college student on Semester at Sea, a program that took students around the world stopping in 11 different countries along the way. One of the stops was Odessa, Ukraine and it would be our...
What an intense time to be alive. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. I have so much to say about what is happening in the world right now. But first and foremost I want to share some resources with you to help navigate the turmoil. There are some voices...
Friends, I know many of you are tired, struggling, trying to navigate this new world as best you can when almost everything has been upended. However, the world is re-configuring around us and all caring people who have even a tiny bit of bandwidth need to GET IN THE...
Judge Kavanaugh vs Dr Ford As I watch the political drama over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination playing out on the American stage, I am saddened by how polarized we are. You might think that as a woman and a survivor of sexual assault, I would be on ‘Team Ford.’ While I...
It is a contentious and unsettled time here in America. The election is over but our country remains divided and emotions are running strong. Therefore it is especially important to take a deep breath and intentionally navigate our way through whatever is to come. No...
About Erin
Erin believes that narrow boxes are for shoes and not for people and she hopes you'll join her tribe on the mindful path to freedom!