Shamanic Healing

Ancient healing for modern times

What is Shamanic Healing?

Volumes have been written about Shamanism which is the most ancient healing technique and spiritual practice on earth (over 100,000 years old and found across all cultures).

One of the most direct definitions of Shamanism is:

a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.

Shamanism teaches us that:

  • everything is alive and has a spirit
  • there is a web of life which connects everything
  • illness can have a spiritual/energetic component

Who Can Benefit from Shamanic Healing?

If you have a physical or mental illness that isn’t responding to conventional treatment, you may benefit from shamanic healing. Some reasons people seek out shamanic healing include:

  • feeling stuck or blocked
  • feeling low-energy
  • repeated bad luck
  • prolonged sense that something just isn’t right
  • wanting to increase energy and vitality
  • wanting to release old patterns or shift stuck energy
  • desire to connect more deeply with ancestors or create healing in your ancestral line
  • overexposure to negativity and you want an energetic reboot

What Causes Shamanic Sickness

The 3 broad categories are:

  1. Power loss
  2. Soul loss
  3. Spiritual intrusions

    Basically, we remove energy that you don’t need, and/or restore energy to you that will increase your ability to heal and be empowered.
“Shamanism is a path of knowledge, not of faith, and that knowledge cannot come from me or anyone else in this reality. To acquire that knowledge, including the knowledge of the reality of the spirits, it is necessary to step through the shaman’s doorway and acquire empirical evidence.”  Michael Harner

What Happens in a Shamanic Healing Session?

Every shamanic practitioner works slightly differently since we are guided by our own helping spirits, and because each client is unique. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Because this work happens outside of space and time, I work with most of my clients by Zoom or phone (or in my home office in Concord, MA if you are nearby).

I do a ‘diagnostic journey’ ahead of time with my team of helping spirits to check in with your energy body to see what is going on.

At that time I have a better sense of the problem, what healing modalities might be helpful, and whether or not I am the right person to assist (if not, I will refer you on to someone else).

You and I connect at the appointed time. You have a quiet spot where you can be very comfortable sitting or lying down. We talk a bit about what is going on for you. You have already filled out a questionnaire about your health, your life, and your goals so I have a sense of your history.

We clarify what is most pressing. Together we set an intention for the journey and you give me permission to ask for assistance on your behalf.

You relax. You may hear rattling or drumming as I go into the journey for you. If you like, you can play soothing music during this part (nature sounds are especially soothing).

You may or may not feel anything while I am doing the journey.

After the journey, I come back and give you all the information I received on your behalf. This is a partnership, and there will be instructions given to you as to what changes you can make to help integrate the healing!

I am intuitive and bring all of myself into this work, so we may talk about specific mindfulness or mind-body practices that could be helpful to you. We will finish with some motivational coaching to help you take the next steps on your path to vitality and empowerment.

tough love from Mother Earth
“Today it is well understood that stress has a negative impact on our physical bodies and our emotional health. But we do not yet recognize the tremendous stress caused by not following nature’s cycles, nor that this also leads to emotional and physical illness. Just imagine the physical stress of walking against the flow of a rushing river. This is what we do spiritually as we walk against the flow of the river of life on a daily basis.” ~Sandra Ingerman

Specific Healing Practices

Energy Clearing/Extraction
We are made of energy. This fact sometimes get dismissed because we can not see energy, but we can absolutely measure it. We do this all the time in traditional medicine, (EKGs of the heart, and EEGs of the brain are just 2 examples).

We pick up subtle energies that don’t belong to us as we go through life. Over time, the more energies we accumulate, we can start to feel a  heaviness/stuckness that can be hard to shake. We do this by being in crowded places (airports, grocery stores, bars, for example) or even from people projecting negativity onto us.

An extraction is a powerful healing to remove and neutralize energy that doesn’t belong to you. Clients often feel lighter, more energized and more clear after an extraction, since there is now a free-flow of vital life-force energy.

If we want to live a life full of vitality, energy body hygiene is just as important as other hygiene like brushing our teeth regularly.

Soul Retrieval
From a shamanic perspective, trauma causes a part of our soul to flee. Life is filled with traumas large and small. Examples include: divorce, fender-benders, arguments, surgery, unkind words, emotional/physical abuse.

These traumas often start in childhood, so we may not even realize how dis-empowered we are since this is the only state we can remember. Over time, as we repeatedly lose soul-essences we become progressively weaker from a spiritual perspective.

We call this soul loss. Classic symptoms of soul loss include depression, fatigue, loss of joy, addictions and compulsive behaviors, feeling a hole that is just never filled.

Soul retrieval can coax soul essences into returning. Results of soul retrieval can be dramatic or subtle, but over time we can regain our full spiritual power.

Most spiritual traditions see light as a powerful healing force. In Christianity saints appear with a ring of light above their heads. The Buddha’s last words were “Make of yourself a light.” Transfiguration practice helps you harness light to activate healing in all the cells of your body. We can change our vibration this way, creating a more cohesive energy body which is less resistant to stress and disease. I often finish my healing sessions with transfiguration and encourage clients to do this for themselves regularly.
Divination/Shamanic Tarot Reading

Sometimes you’re just not sure what decision to make or which way to turn. Divination journeys are a great way to ask the spirit guides for advice. The vivid imagery and symbolism of Tarot decks have been used for centuries as a tool for divining information. Between the stories that the cards are telling and the intuitive downloads provided from spirit guides, these readings can help provide clarity, confidence and access to deep wells of wisdom within you. 

Power Animal Retrieval
In shamanism, we believe that everyone has at least one Power Animal (a spirit energy who has lived as an animal on earth) who provides protection, empowerment and guidance to us. If we don’t cultivate that relationship, the power drifts away from us over time. Chronic bad luck can be a result from a loss of power. A Power Animal retrieval can be a beautiful way to provide additional support and encouragement that can then be called upon at any time.
Cord Cutting
When you have an energetic attachment to another person, a cord can form between you. This attachment can create an energy drain or a heaviness, particularly if the relationship is emotionally fraught. Other people can attach to us without us knowing about it. Cord cutting can help to reestablish personal, energetic sovereignty and set firm boundaries, often allowing for a lighter feeling. Cord cutting can help with clarity and empowerment.

Embrace the mystery

Ready to get started?

Fill out this form and email back to me (instructions at the bottom of the form) Shamanic Healing Questionnaire. This document has all the information you need to take the next step on your healing journey.

Intrigued but not sure? Let’s set up a 15-minute discovery call. Click here.

Cost is $150 for the initial 75-minute session and $125 for additional 60-minute sessions. When I meet a new client for the first time, it takes more time to get to know you and your history and goals.

Gift certificates available if you have a loved one who might be interested.

“I felt a valuable shift and am still appreciative of the work we did together. I have not back slid. After the journey I felt a lightening and a shift away from my depression. It continues to improve days and weeks later. I’ve stopped taking the (over the counter supplements) everyday and seem to be maintaining. I can tell that I’ve had a shift on the chemical and energetic operating levels too. Thank you again.”
~Client in The Berkshires, MA

“Thank you so much Erin. I don’t think I’m imagining it; things feel so very much lighter and better!”
~a client from the UK

“Thank you for this!  The timing for our session just around the full moon definitely felt auspicious. Today I danced around…and felt great! Then I went to the beach and lay in the sand. Feeling very alive and very excited for the time ahead of me. Thank you for celebrating with me. I can feel your true joy for me and I so appreciate your encouragement!”
~a client in S. Carolina

“In the Western tradition there is a recognized hierarchy of beings, with, of course, the human being on top—the pinnacle of evolution, the darling of Creation—and the plants at the bottom. But in Native ways of knowing, human people are often referred to as “the younger brothers of Creation.” We say that humans have the least experience with how to live and thus the most to learn—we must look to our teachers among the other species for guidance. Their wisdom is apparent in the way that they live. They teach us by example. They’ve been on the earth far longer than we have been, and have had time to figure things out.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants

1. Is this scientific?

I am trained as a scientist. My decades of work as a healthcare provider showed me that modern medicine did not have all the answers needed to reduce disease burden and human suffering. I have witnessed shamanic healing provide relief in cases where all other options have been exhausted.

2. How does one train to do this work?

Modern day shamanic training began with Colombia University professor Michael Harner who started the Center for Shamanic Studies after identifying what he called ‘core shamanic practices’ which were found across all cultures.

I’ve trained with several very skilled practitioners over several years, the main one being Sandra Ingerman. 

3. Who gets to be called a shaman?

Typically the tribe identified the shaman. I refer to myself as a shamanic practitioner or shamanic healer, not as a shaman. Other words that have been used throughout history to identify similar work: priestess, medicine woman.

4. Are the fees negotiable?

My fees are less than many other shamanic practitioners, but I don’t want money to be the reason someone does not work with me who feels strongly called to. If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like a session, please reach out. I try to do one pro-bono/reduced-price, or barter session each month.

About Erin:

Trained in western medicine as a physician assistant with a masters degree in integrative medicine, Erin has also been a Buddhist practitioner, meditation teacher and yogini for decades. Several personal mystical experiences and healings convinced her that an unseen world existed, and that some important things could not be measured with modern day instruments.

Shamanism offered a framework for accessing and making sense of the gifts she had been offered, and utilizing them to serve others.

Her work is deeply grounded in and informed by a reciprocal relationship with the natural world. She is a visionary, a teacher, a healer and a carrier of magical traditions dating back to the druids.

Erin weaves all her skills together to best serve the client in front of her, intending for whatever alchemy to happen that is in her client’s highest and best good.

shamanic healing

“Science offers us the dream of mastery.  We’ve traded mystery for mastery … Mystery is part of the yin.  And with that comes a whole other question of what it means to be a human being. To what larger and unknowable thing are we connected? And what do we manifest of that in our daily life and relationships with each other?  It’s a different and very old way of seeing …”~Rachel Naomi Remen MD


Click below to get started and book your appointment: Shamanic Healing Questionnaire.

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