When the world around you seems chaotic and crazy, lift your head to the sky and find the beauty. Plant your feet on the earth and feel the ancient wisdom and sanity that can be found there.

What song is your heart wanting to sing? Let it come forth, even if your voice shakes and you don’t recognize the tune at first; even if others want you to sing the old song that they are used to. You have outgrown that song.

It is time to step into your power, dear one.

What are you bowing down to? What are you giving your attention to? What are you dreaming into being with your imagination?

Are you giving equal time to joy and love or have you gotten stuck in worry and fear. What we practice we get better at.

Are you investing in stillness and contemplation?
In a world of overstimulation, we can forget that the dark, quiet places are where the treasure is always buried.

Can you see the more beautiful world that is waiting to be born out of all this chaos? It wants to come through you.

You are the divine embodied.
You are a sacred vessel.
You are limitless potential.
It can not be otherwise.

You are made of stardust, sunshine, and clear, clean water. You are powered by fire. What is there to fear?

Your lungs dance with the trees with every breath. Your ancestors are cheering you on and watching you with great hope.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

How are you expressing your unique gifts? Can you see how very brilliant and exquisite you are?

Yes, there is light and dark in each of us, but can you use the mud to fertilize your uniquely beautiful lotus, never to bloom in exactly this way ever again?

Open your petals towards the sun. There is nothing to run from. Own your power, in all its perfect imperfection.

Stand firm in that which you truly are. May you be brave enough to put down what is no longer serving you and allow your unique gifts to be expressed into the world.

The time is now. The time is always now. May your sacred life and your choices benefit all beings.

Wishing you well and cheering you on,


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