Sometimes we forget that we have the choice to do things the easy way or the hard way. We can forget just how connected and supported we are, and what powerful creators we are. Allow me to remind you so you can create something wonderful today, with grace and ease!

It was the last day of my recent Sedona trip. I usually get a ride from a friend to the airport shuttle, but they were working or busy, so I decided to walk. It was a beautiful day and felt like a great plan when I made it. The only problem: I got a late start and was at risk of missing the shuttle.

I pondered my options. Uber and Lyft aren’t really a thing there yet and taxis can take a while to show up. So I decided to get a ride my own way.

I just set an intention and then got excited about it. I wonder who will pick me up! What new friend will I make? I wasn’t actively hitchhiking, in the traditional sense, but I was in the spiritual/energetic sense.

A car drove past. Clearly that wasn’t my ride. But about 10 seconds later, someone walked out of his house, saw me pulling my suitcase and asked, “Can I give you a ride to the shuttle?”

I just laughed and thought: What took you so long??

He was a really nice guy and even gave me a recommendation for a handyman (which I desperately need). I could have done things the old way which would have been to worry and complain and suffer all the way to the shuttle, arriving anxious and stressed.

The new, easy way: feel into the best version of what can happen and then make space for it to show up. Don’t forget that YOU are a powerful creatrix!

“There are really no “objects” in the world at all, only vibrations of energy, and relationships.”
― Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife

What magic can you dream into being today?? The feeling into it is key. 💜 Be playful and explore possibilities. I’d love to hear about your creations in the comments below.

Wishing you well and cheering you on,







If you’d like some support and help stepping into your full power, I have a new program just for you. Check out Unfurl here. I’d love to help reconnect you to your soul’s purpose so that you can move through life with more grace and ease! Contact me to arrange a free 20-minute call to see if Unfurl is for you.

easy street





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