As we humans continue to pause and regroup, there is a lot of talk about how to find solutions to our problems.

If we look for solutions ONLY in science and technology, we will inevitably worsen our situation.

We need to simultaneously look into our our hearts for morality based solutions. Looking inward can feel more challenging because it requires each of us to take some personal responsibility.

But there is also comfort in seeing clearly and being willing to face problems directly.

There is empowerment is knowing that each of us carries a piece of the solution within, and that we can start acting from that place of empowerment right now.

We can not create the better society that most of us want without each of us showing up fully awake and empowered.

These complex times require a deep dive into our own heart and soul to ask the most important questions in life.

➞Why are you here?
➞What are you doing and why?
➞What does it all mean?

A portion of this work can be called ‘shadow work’ where we need to be willing to look for our own biases, blind spots and stumbling blocks.

We need to connect into the collective consciousness which contains ancient wisdom that can guide us through modern day calamities.

Where can we be more loving, more kind, more inclusive with our compassion?

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

I promise you, that if you go all the way upstream to the source of our problems, you will see that love and inter-connectedness (for ALL) are the solutions. 

I am not talking about love in a romantic kind of way.

I am not talking about love only when it’s easiest (like for our family, our kids, our friends).

I am talking about LOVE with a capital L. Love as a verb. Love that understands that as an earthling, we are connected to every other earthling, and each action that we take ripples out and impacts the whole.

FIERCE, selfless love, like the kind a mama bear has for her cubs.

A heart as wide as the world (to quote Sharon Salzberg) which understands that even those we vilify are a part of us and we’re a part of them.

The enemy (whoever we perceive that to be) arose from the causes and conditions of a society of which we are a part and help to create through our beliefs and actions.

I am talking about the need for a FIERCE, awakened, embodied love that is so aflame for justice and liberation for all, that you willingly, happily, gratefully (even if you’re simultaneously scared and uncertain) step into the crucible and BECOME the change you want to see.

As we start to emerge from this sacred pause, let us continue to do our own work, and show up in our full creative, heart-based power.

We as a species have been living far below our creative potential. The good news is that as we start to tap into our collective power, magic can happen! 🌟

It’s time to come together and unleash our highest dreams and visions for all of us.

We each carry a vital and potent life force within us. Let’s use it together to dream a new dream into being.

The world we see around us is the result of our collective dream.

Come into the crucible with me. Let’s dream a new world together.

As of this writing in April 2020, I am hosting a free Zoom group on Sundays to dream together. Sign up below to get all the details.

Much love,





dream it into being

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