Throughout human history, most periods of great awakening follow periods of great unrest. We are now in a period of great unrest. 

We must pay attention and see clearly how we got here. We can not carry on with business as usual if we want to create a better world.

If we go upstream the problem is the delusion that we are all separate. It’s easier to believe ‘that person’ is the problem, the other political party. Yet how do we address our own bias?

We need to be honest about our roots as a country and as individuals, even when its painful if we want to transcend those behaviors to create something new. There could be something much greater on the other side of this, but it all depends on how we show up right now. 

We need to show up with humility, wisdom and the courage to admit that the current system isn’t working. We need to be willing to release the old, and to put in the work required to create the new structure. And that work starts within. 

You may ask, ‘What can I do?”.

The more powerful question is, what can I stop doing

We can withdraw our cooperation and consent from the violent systems.  

We can stop consuming so much, stop supporting industries of destruction, and withdraw our support from injustices to people, the earth and the animals. This is hugely empowering! Be willing to commit to your awakening every single day.

We can also ask: How can I BE? Because the doing comes from the being. 

Engage in practices that help foster compassion like meditation, metta (loving kindness), walks in nature.

In some ways this is an inopportune time to ask people to commit to their awakening, but at the same time there has never been a more important time to do it. 

I gave a short talk on this topic which you can listen to In It’s entirety here.

Cheering us all on, 









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