Wisdom from the Elders

When indigenous people from around the world gather in one place for the purpose of sharing wisdom from the elders and healing the earth, you can bet that some powerful magic will happen.

That was certainly the case at the Healing Turtle Island gathering that was held recently, and which I had the great privilege of attending.

“Our prophecies tell us that when the people of the world rise up and begin standing for the protection of life, a great healing will begin… we will be able to renew our sacred contracts with one another as human beings, and between human beings and the rest of creation.” ~Healing Turtle Island

I’ve gathered some of the wisdom here to share with you. May the great healing begin!

The Power of Words

“In my language, we don’t have any derogatory terms. There are no words that would cause harm to another life form.” ~Indigenous Elder

Can you even imagine such a society? Apparently, it has existed and if so, it can exist again. Let’s choose our words carefully and consider what we are consuming in the form of written and spoken words.

If there is a lot of negativity coming in to your awareness, or going out from you into the world, perhaps a change is in order.

We don’t realize how powerful words are. The incantation ‘Abracadabra’ literally means ‘I create as I speak.’ What are you creating? The internal words are just as important as the external ones.

Be mindful of the stories you are telling, to yourself and others.

Water is Life

No single-use, plastic water bottles were allowed at the Healing Turtle Island event. For indigenous people, water is life. It’s not something to be taken from one place and one people, and sold to others (or even sold back to those same people) for a corporate profit.

The Maori from New Zealand are so connected to water that they don’t ask people’s names when they first meet them. What is more important to them is: “Who are your waters?

The implications of this question are tremendous and for most of us reveal how disconnected we have become to the sources of our life and vitality. And so I ask you: Who are your waters?

We have made everything a commodity to be bought or sold, and in doing so have diminished the sacred connection between our bodies and the natural world.

There are many reasons not to buy bottled water.

For this event, they kept large containers of Maine tap water sprinkled around the event, and we all refilled our bottles. It was an easy way to honor water element and planet earth, and each time we refilled our bottles it was a scared offering.

Please be mindful of your sacred relationship with water. How can you honor her today?

Respect the elements, don’t fight with them

Here is an intriguing concept for you: For some Indigenous peoples, firefighting was an unheard of concept. Fighting with fire is like fighting with yourself.

They worked WITH fire. They had a respectful relationship with fire, not a domineering one. What is your relationship with fire like? When was the last time you gave thanks and honor to fire element?

If more people starting honoring fire as our ancestors did, could this change all the wildfires we see raging today? Some of the elders I met certainly thought so.

It is worth a try.

Respect your elders

Humans are the youngest species! We were created last. Our ancestors are the trees, the ocean, the minerals. We can still tap into that ancestral memory and find everything we need there.

Today many have forgotten where we came from.

Can you take a moment today to remember and honor your connection to the natural world?

Higher Power

The laws of men are changeable. The laws of creation are constant. If you align yourself with the laws of creation, you are always pointed true north.

What are some of the laws of creation? There is a time for action, and there is a time for stillness. Many have forgotten that stillness is critically important.

Other laws of nature are that we need clean air and water to survive. We have many man-made laws allowing pollution and destruction of the natural world, but ultimately this path will not be sustainable.

Natural law allows for a diversity of life and respect for all of life for its own sake, not just for how something can serve humans. How can you feel into and honor the laws of the natural world today?

Connection is the Key

The problems we see in the world are all symptoms of the same disconnection. It can be hard to wrap our minds around all of this with linear thinking. Most of us were conditioned from the same industrial education system, so it takes a deliberate effort to cultivate an alternate way of knowing and being in right relationship with the world.

If you’d like some support in cultivating this relationship with all of life, I created a program that can help. Unfurl has guided practices for you to engage in to help you deepen your connection to the natural world and natural law. You can check it out here. It would be an honor to help you befriend trees, water and fire again.

Wishing you well and cheering you on,

wisdom from elders






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