Wisdom from the Elders

Wisdom from the Elders

Wisdom from the Elders When indigenous people from around the world gather in one place for the purpose of sharing wisdom from the elders and healing the earth, you can bet that some powerful magic will happen. That was certainly the case at the Healing Turtle Island...
For the Love of YOU

For the Love of YOU

“It is a radical act of love to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself.” These words were spoken by one of my favorite teachers, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, an eloquent advocate for mindfulness for the past 39 years. I am committing daily radical acts of...
Remembering 9-11: Shopping is Not the Answer

Remembering 9-11: Shopping is Not the Answer

On this anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, I am reflecting on all those that lost their lives and their loved ones on that tragic day, and on all that has happened since. I remember what was going on in my own life at the time. I was happily married and working at a...

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